What to do after a Hailstorm in Austin, Texas

Contact Brendan Sanford at (512) 696-0673 or [email protected] if you need a great roofer recommendation!


Austin, the vibrant capital of Texas, is known for its rich culture, tech boom, and beautiful landscapes. However, like many parts of Texas, Austin is no stranger to the unpredictable wrath of Mother Nature, particularly hailstorms. These icy projectiles can cause significant damage to homes, leaving residents with the task of navigating repairs and insurance claims. Understanding the steps to take post-hailstorm can make the recovery process smoother and more efficient.

Immediate Steps Post-Hailstorm Safety First:

Before diving into any assessment or repair work, it’s paramount to ensure the safety of all household members. Areas with shattered glass, exposed electrical wires, or structural damage should be avoided until professionals can assess and address the hazards. Document the Damage: As soon as it’s safe, start documenting the damage. Take clear photos and videos of all affected areas, including the roof, windows, siding, and any outdoor structures. This visual evidence will be invaluable when filing insurance claims. Temporary Fixes: While waiting for professional repairs, it’s essential to prevent further damage. Use tarps or plywood to cover broken windows or roof damages, ensuring that rain or debris doesn’t exacerbate the situation.

Assessing the Damage Roof Inspection:

The roof often bears the brunt of a hailstorm. Check for signs of damage such as missing shingles, dents, or leaks. Inside the home, look for water stains on ceilings or walls, indicating potential leaks. Window and Siding Assessment: Windows can easily crack or shatter during a hailstorm. Examine all windows for visible damage and test their functionality. Similarly, inspect the home’s siding for dents, cracks, or holes caused by hailstones.

Contacting Your Insurance Company Filing a Claim:

Once you’ve documented the damage, initiate the claim process with your insurance company. Provide them with the evidence you’ve gathered and give a detailed account of the incident. Understanding Your Coverage: Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy to know what’s covered concerning hail damage. Coverage can vary, so it’s essential to know the specifics of your plan. Working with an Adjuster: After filing a claim, your insurance company will send an adjuster to evaluate the damage. Ensure you’re present during this visit to discuss the damage, provide your documentation, and address any concerns.

Choosing the Right Repair Professionals Local Recommendations:

Austin’s community is tight-knit, and word-of-mouth recommendations can be invaluable. Consider seeking advice from neighbors or local community groups to find trusted repair professionals familiar with Austin’s specific weather challenges. Verifying Credentials: Before hiring any contractor, ensure they are licensed, insured, and have a solid reputation. Check online reviews, ask for references, and verify their credentials with local business bureaus or trade associations. Getting Multiple Estimates: Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. It’s wise to get estimates from multiple contractors to compare costs, timelines, and the scope of repairs. This ensures you’re getting the best value and quality of work.

Preventive Measures for the Future Roofing Materials:

If you find your roof was particularly susceptible to hail damage, consider upgrading to hail-resistant roofing materials in the future. These materials are designed to withstand the impact of hailstones better than traditional shingles. Landscaping Choices: Strategic landscaping can serve as a natural barrier against hail. Planting sturdy trees and shrubs around your property can help deflect hailstones, reducing the potential for damage. Regular Maintenance: Routine home maintenance, such as checking roofs for loose shingles or ensuring proper drainage, can prepare your home to better withstand the effects of a hailstorm.


While hailstorms are a natural challenge for Austin residents, proactive measures and informed decisions can significantly mitigate their impact. By understanding the steps to take post-hailstorm, homeowners can ensure timely repairs, work effectively with insurance companies, and implement preventive measures to safeguard their homes in the future. In the end, the resilience and community spirit of Austin shine through, making it a city that not only endures but thrives, no matter the weather.